火曜日, 1月 23, 2007

The Day before my Birthday

So, I come to school this morning to find a rather big paper cake on my desk. It has four candles, white icing (white paper), some orange/red filling, and strawberries on top. Too cute!

I go on to find out that my 3-1 class made it for my birthday and that they expected me to wear it throughout the whole class today (honestly...this thing stands like a foot above my head). I honored them by wearing/balancing it for the first 10 mins. while they gave me birthday cards and took pictures. I didn't have to heart to tell them my birthday is tomorrow instead of today. Too cute!

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

That is probably the cutest thing I've EVER heard!!! Awwww... I don't know how I can top a paper cake hat thing for a bday present! Upstaged, by a bunch of KIDS!!!



Johanna さんのコメント...

I know...they were being pretty adorable today! The teacher even pulled out the ol' keyboard and taught them to sing the "Happy Birthday" song while in class. Cuteness!!!