水曜日, 9月 20, 2006

I.D. The Cleavage Game!

Hey, kids, you know what time it is? It’s time to play “I.D. the Cleavage!”

That’s right, and today’s contestants are some lovely young lassies from the craziest ken around - Niigata. Since this ken hails somewhere around the Northern Midwest of Japan where healthy rice living is the name of the game, these ladies have resulted in some mighty impressive cleavage.

How well do you know these Bosom Buddies!?!

7 件のコメント:

Satyne さんのコメント...

Gasp!! WHEEZE!!! There should be an age restriction on this site :P

Johanna さんのコメント...

Oh shush. You know you like it! Only for the young at heart!

匿名 さんのコメント...

Ok...I saw your arms smooshing your boobs together :) Remember everyone at my job reads your blog (oh my gosh...my boss):) You really should have moved your hair so you are not so easy to recognize. How do you feel about your Dad reading you blog...boy was his face red. Love you silly girls, Mom

匿名 さんのコメント...

Had you asked "who owns this fashion?" it would have made me feel less pervy as it was your clothes rather than the cleavage bit that greatly assisted me in identifying you!

Maybe you could do a clothes ID next!! Who owns this top? who dons these jeans? oh it would be fun!!
man im so bored to back at work

Satyne さんのコメント...

Uh oh... your mom's reading! Sorry Mrs Darilek ;)! It was all Johanna's idea.

And Pamela you cheated!!



Johanna さんのコメント...

Nat - HAHA I like this..."It was all Johanna's idea." Nice one!!!! Thanks!!! Really...i mean if you hadn't had worn that dress I would never had got the idea...so let's say -It was all the dresses fault. ok? ;oP

Pam - How'd you do that!?! Really!?! Did you look at previous post/pics on Nat's blog!?! *Coughcheater* I guess you do know our bosoms/clothing style a little too well! :) Next time will be much harder...promise.

Mom - What can I say? Gotta mix up the blog sometimes, can't always be wholesome and innocent! :)

Kristi さんのコメント...

This is *hilarious*.