木曜日, 4月 06, 2006

Festival Food!!!


Whole Fish on a stick!

Squid of a stick!

Sakura Matsuri - 上野公園 Ueno Kōen

Ueno Park was BUSY BUSY last Saturday for the beginning of the Sakura Matsuri (Sakura Flower Festival) in the Tokyo area. Beth and I got there early (around 11'ish) and it was packed with people walking around and lounging on their blue tarps under the trees! Literally it was shoulder to shoulder walking around, but it all added to the crazy experience of it all and I loved it! The flowers were in full bloom, the sun was warm and bright, and the people already walking around with beers and chu-hi - NICE!!!

A famous statue of Saigo Takamori walking his dog stands in this park.


Saturday April 1st, 2006

As the title suggests, I wanted to have one post with ONLY blossom pictures. No distractions from the prettiness of SPRING!

I'm having Tokyo withdrawal...

Strange being back in Niigata when considering at this time yesterday I was walking (WET and COLD I might add) around the Imperial Palace and in and out of subway stations. But here I am!

Just found out today that I have a NEW Kocho-Sensei at my base school as well and HE SPEAKS PRETTY GOOD ENGLISH, exciting!

These are some fun color swap pics I was playing around with on my camera. Beth's pic looks kinda cool and serious, mine just...well.....ummm.....CLASSY! :)
Our new favorite Conbini - AM/PM. We don't have those in Niigata!

All these pics had no real meaning and order, so I just threw them in here.

More Tokyo pics to come - Are you ready? Oh- yeah!

水曜日, 4月 05, 2006


I miss it already!

Why do I LOVE Tokyo so much?!? I dunno, I guess just the craziness of it all. Always something to keep you entertained, always busy people to watch at all hours of the day/night, always a train/subway/cab to catch somewhere exciting. Never ends!

Well, I got back today from my 5 day extravaganza in the big city (with a short trip over to Yokohama). Pics and stories to come. Yayy!!

p.s. I CAN'T WAIT TILL JUNE WHEN US RE-CONTRACTING (and those others who will tag-a-long....You know who your are!) ALTs GET TO HIT UP TOKYO AGAIN! WOO-HOO!!!

金曜日, 3月 31, 2006

I'm out of here!

I'm off to Tokyo to watch Cherry Blossoms with a small trip over to Yokohama.
Later all!!!

Not sure why these keep coming up sideways!?! *Hmm* Any-who - here's my "warm n' fuzzy" card!

PNG English Board up @ Ikarashi