木曜日, 9月 15, 2005

Identity Crisis!!!

(SPORTS DAY: Everyone rushing inside to escape the rain)

School, School, and more School

Sometimes I forget where I'm at! Being torn between three schools (Ikarashi - SHOWN HERE, Kamiyama, and Ryoukawa) can cause some confusion. I'm in the middle of doing my introduction for each school's grade and class. So it consists of a 10 minute Picture Slideshow, a True/False BINGO game I designed about myself, and then various other activities depending on the students English level. To tell you the truth...I'm SICK OF IT ALREADY. I do about 4 classes a day, 5 days a week and I've already been doing this for about 3 weeks now...so all in all...that's about 50 times of the same lesson. And the sad part - I have about 50 more to go until I've covered all my classes. I'll be happy to actually jump into some REAL school work. But I am also enjoying having control of the future leaders of JAPAN...muhahaha, they're like putty in my hand!

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