水曜日, 10月 12, 2005

The Story of my Car


Well, this was a fun/strange trip. I was told by my friend Grace (far left in the pic) about Fujita-san (in the middle) and how good he is in dealing with other ALT's and renting cars. I was informed he spoke "good English" but in Japan..."good English" is always VERY questionable. Thus, i invited Errol (far right)along for the ride to Sanjo. He's a PA and quite (shall i say it) fluent in Japanese (aka life-saver at times). So, we made it there by train (45 mins. from Niigata Station) and Fujita-san was nice enough to pick us up at Higashi-Sanjo Station. Well...he's SPEAKS GREAT ENGLISH. I was blown away. So- Errol was along just for the ride! I picked out my cool Diatsu MOVE in about 15 mins. and was done (since I had to wait a week before going back to pick it up) Thus, we were to meet up with Grace for Dinner. Well, since Fujita-san rented Grace her car as well and knew where she lived...he ended up invited us out for dinner himself. You just can't say NO to that! :) So, we picked up Grace and our other friend Kristi (from Kamo) and went to this little Japanese Izakaya and had some yummy yakitori and umeboshi. What a night! BUT I HAVE A CAR..YEAH. (Pics to come soon)

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