火曜日, 1月 31, 2006

Lovely gifts from Aboard!!!! (Birthday ones too)

Oh the joy of finding that green/white notice slip I know so well in my mail slot saying I've missed a package delivery and then sweet-talking one of my English teachers to call the Post Office and have them re-delivery the package again (something I've done numerous times that you'd think i would now know how to do it by myself) But NO, it is Japan after all and I'm still lost and a tall gaijin.

But what a wonderful Birthday gift!!!

Thanks Mom and Dad and everyone else who contributed to it, it simply made my Monday!!!
The struggle of opening the BIG box to find numerous smaller gifts inside was fun and then having my Mother put a post-it note on each one to guide me on what to open first/next/last - what fun!

The stickers are FAB Dad, I'll happily use them (eps. with V-day coming up). The farm animal v-day cards will be going up on my English board at school too. The Velveeta, chips, taco mix, and jalapenos will be gone soon as I've already mentioned that I have these products and other people have initiated a Mexican Dinner party. The Magazines are being slowly savored, for the NEW juicy Hollywood smut from back home made up an exciting full hour of conversation with my gals tonight for Tuesday Ladies Dinner. The hair products are amazing -can't wait to use them and the chocolates are yummy!!! and YES, the best was saved for last - the Christmas Book was priceless!!!!! I couldn't even describe how happy I was when I was telling me friends about it tonight. To have current pictures,written words, AND spoken words from all my family in Texas.....I was even tearing up it was so sweet/fun/nice to read through over and over again!


ps. I even threw in Beth's Birthday gift - some wonderful homemade sandals from Agano-Shi. They are quite comfy actually, good for the sole - pun, hehe!!! :P Plus, her Winter Break England Omiyage - a new magazine...yeah! The more the merrier!!!
I love that even my own Mother can't remember what she packed. Umm, now I can't remember what was in it myself - wait...it was the BioSilk Shampoo/Cond./and Hair Oil package. Loved it - thanks!!!

Just a few pics of my family from the Christmas Book and the many presents I received in my package, plus my baby Draco.

Love you all!!!!

3 件のコメント:

Mom さんのコメント...

Oh yeah - now I remember what was in the present :) I was having a "senior moment". haha

匿名 さんのコメント...

your family is so cute....seriously cute!!

maybe your mom should give my mom some pointers.

Johanna さんのコメント...

Kawaii, ne! hehehe
