金曜日, 6月 16, 2006


Starting the Game!

Morning Kampai!!!

The Awkward Group!
Nice one guys!!! :)
On the Subway to Ikebukuro!!!
At Adidas for our first challenge: wearing as much soccer gear and getting a picture. hehe We were the first group in and had store keepers watching us the whole time. I heard later on that some groups got yelled at for taking pics.
Timing ourselves as we all go down the tree slide!

Wearing Green eye shadow in Shinjuku.

Ros getting a color copy of a Gin bottle as one of our other challenges....hehe
The caption trying to put on whatever red we have to match the little shrine statues. I got Beth's wallet on my head and Joel maroon spirl, nice -eh?
Taking' a break and checking' out the view of Tokyo!

Yellow Bike Taxis in the Tokyo Station area!
Challenge: Our tallest human statue!
Challenge: Wearing hairpieces that are the same colors as the flowers at a local famous Thai restaurant!

Where are we now!?!


Our cheatin' pic...hehe....we didn't make this challenge on time, but we heard what it was from the group in front of us and made a picture on the spot! I don't even remember what it was suppose to be anymore!
KAMPAI!!! Finally done and over with!
Fun times EVEN though we didn't even place. But we got some funny pics, made some crazy memories around Tokyo, and got some comfy shirts! Good Stuff!!!


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