So, as I mentioned before - we took the overnight train straight from Niigata to Osaka...except well....we just got off at Kyoto at 6:30 in the morning.

Shanna got the top bunk - since all three were stacked together. The beds were quite funny. Beth got the bottom one which had the most room, meaning you could SIT up straight in it and still have comfy room...the higher you got the more ghetto it got. By the time you reached the top, you could hardly sit up straight w/o hitting your head. AND just getting up there was a challenge!

I was okay, I got the middle bunk! Just kept hitting my head on that DAMN coat hanger rack!

The whole ride was like some freaky slumber party! You have the girls to party with but then weird Japanese guys keep walking by in their robes and slippers, smoking when their not suppose too! This was our favorite guy - i miss him!

View from our prison windows! Bye Niigata!
BETH - showing off the nice foot wear. I've grown to enjoy the blue slippers over the brown ones - what's y'all favorite!?!

After getting aboard, we changed into more comfy clothes and well, it may not really LOOK it, but we pulled out the CRUNKY, Chu-hi, and Pringles and had a little "Watch out Kyoto" shin-dig!

hehe More to come...