火曜日, 11月 22, 2005

3rd Play Practice!

Pam and Deccy crashing on the way over to Sado.

The Sado Ferry on the way back, everyone rushes in to grab spots to lay down on the carpeted floors. The whole ride in all takes 2 1/2 hours!

Beginning practice on Saturday morning, lovely sunny day!

Show and Tell: The Elephant's dance

The view at sunset from our Community Center.

The 3rd Play Practice for "The Jungle Tale" - a remake of The Jungle Book was held on Sado November 12th and 13th. Most of us wanted to take the Friday night ferry over, but due to some UN-forseen difficulties many of us took the 6am Saturday ferry - which was actually pretty nice. We got to pull up to Sado at sun rise and see the mountains. We all crashed at a local Community Center, which was just adorable by the way. Even though practice was long and tedious, we got lots done and made some FIERCE Veg./Ck. curry Saturday night as well....yummy! Our next practice is this coming weekend in Murakami. Wolves are going earlier since we need to perfect our "Thriller" dance. We'll also be having a Thanksgiving dinner all together, with turkey and everything - how 'bout that? I'm attempting to make "Candied Yams," so....we'll see how that turns out! :)

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