火曜日, 11月 22, 2005

Shout Out!!!

I want to give a shout-out to Grace (The kitty in the middle) and her blog:

Check it out!!!!

(Thanks Beth for more fun yummy pics from Tokyo.....now you can see our tails!)

PS. I HAVE CABLE! Yes, many channels IN EIGO and NIHONGO!!!
I'm still in shock, lots of fun music channels...so you know me Ladies & Gents, I'll be up-to-date with all the new Japanese songs/pop groups. Plus, I have movie channels and news all in English..none of that 15 min. bilingual stuff I've been dealing with for the last 4 months. Next time y'all are over for a weekend we'll lounge around like last Sunday and do nothing but watch English programs...hehe

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

thanks luv! aww that pic just brings memory back, such a good trip. I just decided to open my blog for the year in japan so it's cool that we can blog tag each other too, not like I don't see you EVERY weekend or something :P

Johanna さんのコメント...

Well...yes....I'm all for the BLOGS, esp. since your blog has a cute pic of our sticker picture and LOTS more - I LUV IT!!!

Gambatte kudasai!!! ;)