水曜日, 12月 14, 2005

5th Play Practice!!!

Tech got lots of new props done and dried them by the heaters :)

Cast played around a lot while freezing, but wolves got lots done. "Thriller's" coming along great and our outfits are coming together as well. :)

Only one for practice left 5 weeks from now and it's the Costume Rehearsal...yea! The weekend after that we start. 1st play here in Niigata-shi on January 28th.

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

u got good action shots! i never remember to take action shots..

Johanna さんのコメント...

True True. Gotta keep that element of surprise when it comes to pics, that way it's ACTION CITY BABY!

yeah, that really didn't make any sense...but you know! *shrug*